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List Rendering

Using v-for to render a list of items based on an array.

First, we need to create an array of items to loop through. We can do this by creating a data property on our Vue instance.

const app = Vue.createApp({ data () { return { product: 'Socks', image: './assets/images/socks_green.jpg', inStock: 100, details: ['50% cotton', '30% wool', '20% polyester'], } } });

Then, we can use v-for to loop through the details array and render each detail as a list item.

<ul> <li v-for="detail in details">{{ detail }}</li> </ul>

Rendering a list of objects by id

First, we need to create an array of objects to loop through. We can do this by creating a data property on our Vue instance.

const app = Vue.createApp({ data () { return { product: 'Socks', image: './assets/images/socks_green.jpg', inStock: 100, details: ['50% cotton', '30% wool', '20% polyester'], variants: [ { id: 2234, color: 'green' }, { id: 2235, color: 'blue' } ], } } });

Then, we can use v-for to loop through the variants array and render each variant as a list item.

<ul> <li v-for="variant in variants" :key="">{{ variant.color }}</li> </ul>

This way we can access the id of each variant in the array and use it as the key for each list item.

Last modified: 18 janeiro 2024