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Using if and else statements

First we add to the main.js file to the following:

const app = Vue.createApp({ data () { return { product: 'Socks', image: './assets/images/socks_green.jpg', inStock: true } } });

Then we add the following to the index.html file:

<div class="cart"> <p v-if="inStock">In Stock</p> <p v-else>Out of Stock</p> </div>

Now we can see that the text "In Stock" is displayed on the page, creating a boolean value that is displayed on the page.

Other way to show the conditional is using the v-show operator:

<p v-show="inStock">In Stock</p> <p v-show="!inStock">Out of Stock</p>

Using v-if with v-else-if and v-else

We can use the v-else-if directive to display a message if the product is on sale:

First we add to the main.js file to the following:

const app = Vue.createApp({ data () { return { product: 'Socks', image: './assets/images/socks_green.jpg', inStock: 100 } } });

Then we add the following to the index.html file:

<p v-if="inStock">In Stock</p> <p v-else-if="inStock <= 10 && inStock > 0">Almost Sold Out!</p> <p v-else>Out of Stock</p>

This will display the message "Almost Sold Out!" if the inStock value is less than or equal to 10 and greater than 0.

Last modified: 18 janeiro 2024